R.I.P. Sidney Lumet (1924-2011)

È morto Sidney Lumet. Aveva 86 anni.

5 Thoughts on “R.I.P. Sidney Lumet (1924-2011)

  1. enrico on 10 aprile 2011 at 00:53 said:

    un altro grande è morto. Grande artigiano regista. Mi resta il ricordo della bellissima sequenza iniziale di “quel pomeriggio di un giorno da cani”. L’amore di un regista alla Eastwood per l’umanità ( più schierato forse, un po’ più ideologico e arrabbiato) ma sempre un grande.
    Buon viaggio Sidney!

  2. “You know, so much of the time we’re just lost. We say, “Please, God, tell us what is right; tell us what is true.” And there is no justice: the rich win, the poor are powerless. We become tired of hearing people lie. And after a time, we become dead… a little dead. We think of ourselves as victims… and we become victims. We become… we become weak. We doubt ourselves, we doubt our beliefs. We doubt our institutions. And we doubt the law. But today you are the law. You ARE the law. Not some book… not the lawyers… not the, a marble statue… or the trappings of the court. See those are just symbols of our desire to be just. They are… they are, in fact, a prayer: a fervent and a frightened prayer. In my religion, they say, “Act as if ye had faith… and faith will be given to you.” IF… if we are to have faith in justice, we need only to believe in ourselves. And ACT with justice. See, I believe there is justice in our hearts. ”



  3. Un grandissimo, uno dei pochi old di Hollywood che continuava a sfornare film bellissimi.

  4. Avrei scelto i medesimi tre film per ricordarlo.

  5. Davvero un grande regista. E i suoi film sono invecchiati benissimo.

    ciao, c

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